Monday, April 26, 2010

Submissive Urination

Submissive urination occurs when your dog feel threatened. It may occur when your dog feels that he is being punished or if he perceives some one as threatening. (It is important to remember that this is based on your dogs PERCEPTION of a threat, it does not indicate that a true threat actually exists.)
What will help your dog most with this is gaining confidence. Confidence can be built in many ways, from simply teaching your dog basic manners to training them in fly ball competition. Also start exposing your submissive dog to new people and places, always keeping the occasions positive. Your dog may be submissively urinating if:
Urination occurs when your dog is being scolded or greeted or when someone approaches him.
Your dog is a some what shy, anxious or timid dog.
They have a history of receiving rough treatment or punishment after the fact.
The urinating is accompanied by submissive postures such as crouching or rolling over to expose the belly.

What to do if this is your dog:
First, take your dog to the vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
Keep greetings low key.
Encourage and reward confident postures.
Give your dog an alternative to acting submissively. (Ex: If your dog knows some commands, have him come greet you with a sit/shake at the door.)
Avoid approaching your dog with postures that read as too dominant. (ex: direct eye contact, hovering etc...)
Pet your dog under the chin or on the chest rather than the top of their head.

But most importantly NEVER punish or scold your dog for exhibiting this behavior, as this will only make the problem worse!

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